Tuesday, August 11, 2009

When Is An Invoice Approval NOT an Approval?

Possibly when the approval is ALWAYS “approved”.

As part of the implementation of SAP Invoice Management by Open Text, we conduct a blue print session to ensure all business requirements are met rather than just automating the current process. During the blue print sessions, the subject of non purchase order invoice approval is often an interesting discussion. Companies that have implemented SAP find that utilization of purchase orders and the associated release strategy has required them to implement a rule driven approval process. They often take advantage to simplify the rules at this point.

But for invoices without a purchase order, it is common to have a complex approval matrix that has developed over time. The matrix is often kept in spreadsheets and with manual interpretation by the Accounts Payable department. The matrix design evolves with input from various sources to fulfill various needs...some of which are not approvals at all.

The use of purchase orders helps with managing budgets, conversely purchasing without a PO can lead to unfavorable departmental budget variances. Departments forget what they have spent only to be surprised when cost reports and budgets are reviewed. One very common method to overcome this loss of visibility is to require all non PO invoices to be approved by departmental management. In this scenario, the invoice is almost always approved. The reality is they are not approving the invoice, rather it serves as an early notification of their spend.

A case can be made that these “always approve” approvals should be eliminated from the approval matrix. Should the Accounts Payable process be slowed for these non approvals…assuming without a pressing reason to be timely in approvals they often sit in the queue of the approver for long periods of time.

Obviously, these individuals need to be aware of their spend to effectively manage their departments but I suggest this information be passed in the form of a report and not an approval.

So next time someone request they be added to the approval…ask the simple question…would you ever not approve?

See SAP EcoHub for More on AP Optimization

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate THIS.. Thanks for putting up such good information. Keep posting!

    e invoicing
